The Landings Racquet and Swim Club


To send in a written proxy, either email: or provide a typed or written document that contains the following information:

1) Name of the person you are designating as your proxy holder.

2) Date and time of the meeting for which this proxy is valid.

3) Your name and signature if it's a typed or written document. If using email, be sure to use the personal email address you have registered with the Landings Racquet & Swim Club--this will suffice as an authenticating signature for the proxy. A proxy received by email from an unauthorized email address will be considered invalid.

4) Should voting issues be known in advance, be sure to indicate, in writing, the manner in which you want the proxy holder to vote. If no voting issues are known in advance, or you don't indicate your voting preference, then understand that your proxy will grant the proxy holder the authority to vote with their conscience should an issue during the meeting require a vote.

Note 1: Time permitting, an email reply from an executive board member will indicate that the email proxy was received.

Note 2: The person you select to be your proxy holder DOES NOT have to be another Trustee. It can be anyone you choose. It is recommended that you select someone from your own association to ensure equitable representation of Landings associations.

Note 3: If submitting a proxy on a typed or written document, have your selected proxy holder hand the document to the president (or designated representative) upon arrival at the meeting. (Proxy holders are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the Board of Trustees Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct policy.)

CLICK HERE to view Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct.

Note 4: Your appointed attorney may also submit a written proxy on your behalf if necessary.