The Landings Racquet and Swim Club

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at The Landings clubhouse. (Except in January--a status report is distributed to board members in lieu of the monthly meeting. Additionally, in July, the monthly meeting is sometimes moved to the second Wednesday of the month.) 

To submit a proxy, CLICK HERE.

To Access the Board's Secure Webpage, CLICK HERE.

If you are a resident and have an issue, concern, suggestion, or complaint, get in touch with your designated Trustee below and he or she will bring it before the board for a discussion and possible vote. You may also contact the board directly or request to see the board in person by emailing:

CLICK HERE for Trustee Responsibilities.

Executive Board:
President: Jeff Urbaniak
Vice President: Holly Moore Kowalski
Secretary: Holly Moore Kowalski
Treasurer: Jeff Urbaniak
(Elections are held in December and newly elected officers assume positions in April of the following year after all annual fiscal matters are reconciled, reported, and filed.)

Click on a Trustee's name below to verify digital ID credentials and authority.

Board of Trustees:
Condo Association 1: Chris Slesinger
Condo Association 2: Jeanne Chouteau Adams
Condo Association 3: Rachel Loewy
Condo Association 4: Lynn Bradford
Condo Association 5: Vacant
Condo Association 6: Jeff Urbaniak
HOA: Bo Blackburn
HOA: Holly Moore Kowalski
HOA: John Goodman
HOA: Joe Stram
HOA: John Gibbons
HOA: Vacant
Kopf: Dick Mayr
(Term of service for a Trustee begins when he or she is appointed by their respective association and ends upon resignation or other cause.)

You may get in touch with the Board of Trustees by filling in the form below and clicking "Send."



